Diary of a divorced serial internet dater

August 8th 2006.
So this is my first entry. Where does one start? How about a bit of history...divorced(just about), 41, female, 2 kids, got the house, attractive, tall ,blonde.
I decided to do this as my life has become so weird since I've started internet dating, my friends are endlessly intrigued, so I thought others could be too. If not, you can always switch me off I guess! I promise every word you read will be true.
I went on a date last night with a guy from Texas. He was very sweet but BOY could he talk. I just couldn't get a word in. Now, I can talk along with the best of them and have been known to hold court after a few glasses of wine, but I couldn't believe at one point I opened my mouth to speak 6 TIMES and still didn't manage it!. I traipsed home feeling deflated as one does after wasting another valuable night with a non starter.
I got on the internet and had a couple of e-mails from guys. One I couldn't even remember contacting (but apparently had) and one I'd given up on. I thought I'd scared him off as I gave him my 'phone number, but he's still there and willing. Just wants to be friends of course, but we'll see. Said he would call me today...I'm still waiting.The other ones French and cute..I'll get in touch later. There's also a 29 year old interested....should I, shouldn't I? Hmmm...we'll see.
Onto MSN and my fave guy (lets call him The Beast) was in cyberspace too, we got our webcams out and I'll just say got VERY saucy for an hour. This is one I really like but that's usually the kiss of death for me, so I'm playing it dead cool. I don't want to be playing games at my age but it still seems to be the way to go. Any thoughts on that would be gratefully received.
I would like to add I'm solvent, independent and not after a meal ticket, so why do guys behave like I'm trying to frog march them up the aisle. Perish the thought....this girl just wants to have fun.....
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