Diary of a divorced serial internet dater

Friday, August 11, 2006

Sex God with a Limp

Time to tell you about the Sex God with a Limp. That sounds cruel I hear you cry...well, I can assure that was a self imposed title by himself, along with the Hip Crip and Spaz. Why?..I hear you cry? He has MS, but that's not actually got anything to do with the guy really. Well, it has, but it doesn't define him, and when you spend time with him, you forget;until he falls over in a public place and you can't get him up again, that is. But the self imposed names are relevent as you will get later......

I met the Tall Guy (6'4"...and yes, if you're reading this, that's your nickname) about 18 months ago, and he saved my life.Still raw from the breakup and believing no one would ever shag me again up he popped . And before you ask, men with MS get it up very nicely thank you .

We fell madly in love very quickly (too quickly) and crashed and burned 8 months later. He had just split up with a fat meglomaniac of a wife after having an affair with a girl who lived 6'000 miles away, so was a bit of mess himself. He loved me from the absolute start ,I believe, because I had a very flat ,stretchmark free stomach compared to what he had been staring at for the last 18 years. People fall in love for the oddest reasons and that seems as good as any other. Me, I fell in love because he was the kindest, most generous, considerate, giving man I had ever met (and still is) and never once made me feel bad about myself. (If you met my ex you would understand why this is important,as he is the biggest egocentric ,control freak ,guilt inducing ,twat to ever walk the face of this planet.But I might devote a whole section to him later. Or maybe not...is he worth the airspace?).

However, the big downside of kind, generous, considerate, giving people is they rarely stand up for themselves, and frequently fail to give an opinion in case it causes offence.They also put themselves down constantly....see nicknames above. As a result, the Tall Guy was dominated and manipulated by the fat meglomaniac (still), the fat meglomainiacs sister,his daughter, one of his sons, his sister ,his father and ultimately, me. (Credit where credits due, his mother was a dream...never interfered once. I think she realised early on he needed to stand on his own two feet and kept her own counsel, but she underestimated the rest of us). It was when I began to recognise 'that tone' coming out of my own mouth I realised things had to change. As you can't change someones personality you can only change the situation. So the Tall Guy became the ex-Tall Guy, but hear this TG....I will always love you and if you ever receive hypnosis and start jackbooting around like most of the arrogant fucks on this planet, give me a call. Oh...and drive a bit faster will you....you're not 80 yet!

P.S. A little footnote here. He's met another woman who sounds great for him and he's now really happy, so anyone reading this and feeling sorry for him, it's me that's on my own now, not him! So, there probably is some divine justice going on somewhere.


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