I never did meet number 6 and his massive would have been great for this blog, but maybe not so great for me. Apparently he and his psychotic girlfriend used to suck it at the same time! Eeeuuuuwww!!!! I think I'm far better off out of that one.
Loads of guys have been coming out the woodwork this past week....there was one bloke I briefly dated 2 years ago....the magic was there and the sparks were flying even on the first date. He called me every night and was truly besotted. Just as I was thinking that something good could be happening he announced he was getting back with his wife. That was the end of him....or so I thought. He actually called the other day to see if I were still single!!! Well, officially I was at the time and so I agreed to meet him for dinner out of sheer curiosity. I then got loads of calls, him telling me he never forgot me, he should never have got back with the Mrs.(if you heard his story, you'd agree with him), that I was fantastic and he had a strong feeling about the two of us. Whoa....freaky? You bet. I called last night and blew him out....definately won't be seeing him.
I also called the beast, who was predictable.
'Bugger...I was desperate for a shag as well. Oh well...all the best....I'm pleased for you.' Which after all was very nice and magnaminous of him, but also indicated I meant nothing to him whatsoever. Unless it was a front.He fininshed up with.'If it doesn't work out and you need some serious cock, give me a call....anytime'. Not romantic, but it's always nice to know there's back up big willy out there.
The rest of them were sort of, 'Oh ok..... all the best, not to worry etc etc...That was the businessman, French men 1 and 3, local painter and decorator I never even got round to meeting but sounded a bit wide for me anyway (my 'phone went as I was writing this and it was him...spooky. He now knows I'm off the market), as well as the two I told you about. And apart from the Beast who goes back a LONG way, I haven't shagged any of them.! (Oh and I also had a text from Mr Incredible last weekend, asking me if we could get together. I didn't even reply).
Men are like buses...either none at all, a few availible but highly dysfunctional or the lovely viable pristine ones all come at once...I wouldn't be surprised if the Cameraman called and told me he'd ditched his soppy girlfriend and I was the love of his life after all. Now, that would be a conumdrum....xx .I'll tell you more about the Boyfriend himself another time....
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