Diary of a divorced serial internet dater

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hi Y'All

Sorry I've been away for a while...it's been busy, busy and very, very emotional since I was last on here...good and bad.

The bad is my Grandmother died over Christmas, but the good is me and The Boyfriend have moved on to the next step and things are hotting up. Yes..it's officially 'lurve' and to quote Robert Palmer, 'Can't eat, can't sleep, No doubt, you're in deep' . I'd forgotten how inconvenient this infatuation business was...it's almost impossible to function on a coherent level.

Now I feel SO guilty at being happy when it's also such a sad time, but my Nanna was a bit of a goer in her day, and I reckon she'd approve.

I got wasted New years Eve....champagne,cassis, tequila and ecstacy are not a good combination and rendered me incapable of standing for approximately an hour, but also makes you very aware and everything is so clear. An interesting experience. It was the first time I had met any of his friends and family and they were ALL there in one go..very draining and anxiety making, but apparently they all thought I was wonderful and said they hadn't seen him so happy in a long time. Funny...my friends all said the same thing about him. Anyway...all's well that ends well, I'm still alive and back in the land of housewifery with my darling children but missing himself desperately.Desperate housewife...ha ha. (Hurry up and call, mate...then I might stop writing drivel on my blog).

So, I'm well, happy and I have to say, about bloody time too...long may it last. Back at work tomorrow so no doubt I'll have something to moan about again soon...and after next week a funeral to tell you all about. (They are always interesting, I find. Even when you're a major player).

Speak to you soon..........


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