Mr. Incredible

It appears that Mr. Incredible could potentially be back on the scene, all be it , briefly.
He's a guy I had a fling with 2 years ago, and 1 year ago, 29 (fledging really), works at the hospital (I won't say in what capacity) and is gorgeous. Arse like two boiled eggs in a handkerchief, long legs and a firm muscle bound chest. Bright blue eyes and very kissy lips. Yum yum. He's not from the internet, so I could be breaking the rules telling you about him, but they're my rules, so I choose to break them!
He has the nickname above for some time now, as his physique does resemble the Mr Incredible from the film.
We had a very passionate fling (he actually removed my knickers with his teeth!!!...get that!!!), but was hung up on his ex and didn't know what he wanted and it was on off on off,(in fact, it was him that broke it off by text...the boy can only talk in text which is NOT a plus point) and I got totally fed up with it. I hadn't long split up with the ex and was pretty vulnerable at the time so he didn't do me any favours. But every time he sees me, he starts it up again...
I bumped into him on Monday and Wednesday and last night got a couple of texts,hinting, but not actually asking to see me again. He's about to go up North to buy a house and change jobs, so there's no future in it, but I'm very tempted. He's divinely shaggable and there's not much else going on at the moment. I texted back a friendly but non-commital reply thinking 'Call me..for crying out loud!', but I did say these things tended to go in three's and was I bound to see him again today. But I didn't, so may have blown the opportunity as he's got an ego the size of Texas and there's any way he perceives you might turn him down (i.e. you're not a sure thing RIGHT NOW) he won't persue it, as the pride can't handle it. I think he's the sort that dumps before he gets dumped, if you can call it being dumped after one drink, one walk by the river and a shag.
He can't hurt me, and we both know the score so I don't know why he doesn't just text me, 'Fancy a shag, long legs?'. It would be a lot easier.
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