Cameraman Revisited

I saw the cameraman on Friday.
He came round for a 'coffee' as friends (has a girlfriend or so I'm led to believe) and lunch. Just as gorgeous as ever...very tall, slim, crinkly eyes, legs to die for. He bought me a present...a little tea caddy with weird teas in. I like presents like are SO conventional and it shows he has imagination,. (Or some one gave it to him as a gift and he's getting rid of it! But it was in a pristine bag, so I choose to believe he made the effort).
We had polite coffee, then polite lunch (he loved my home made soup) and then we sat down again with tea. He came next to me on the same sofa..I have 2 in the room so there was a choice. I curled my legs up and occasionally we brushed. Talked for an hour. Then he said he had to go in 10 minutes . I must have had a look on my face as he asked me if I was disapointed.
'Not disappointed, but I was wondering if anything would happen. You are a very sexy man', I said. 'Oh well...give me hug before you set off' .
Now , I don't him that well if I'm honest, but I know what buttons to push so I pushed them. 5 minutes later we RAN up the stairs , clothes off in record time and you can guess the rest without me sounding like a mad housewife writing to Fiesta.It was passionate, intimate and included eye gazing and kissing.(In other words, not just a scratch the itch job).
So now I'm hooked again and back to bloody square one. We've spoken once since, but I'm holding back this time. He knows where I stand, but the trouble is , he doesn't know where he stands. The girlfriend can't mean that much to him if this is what he's up to, and I know he cares in his own funny way. He's just scared shitless of getting involved in something/someone that's going to make demands on him. I'll just have to wait and see.
Meanwhile, Action Man should be back soon, and I'm talking to another guy we shall name 'The Business Man'. I joked the other day about him making a million and it turned out not to be a joke! He's tall, slim, sporty and horny so he could be promising. At least I'll get dinner paid for.
A doctor is keen to meet me, but I'm not so keen, so all I talk about is work, in the hope it will put him off.(Remember, I'm a nurse)
An Italian guy has declared mad passionate love...we haven't met. Scary boy! He says he misses me and please don't break his heart. I think admission to the local bin would be more appropriate
The Beast is still the lovely Beast, and we talk lots. He's so beasty these days, in spite of being a tad unreliable, and I think he's going to be around for a while, in his weird non commital way. He likes, but is another one scared of getting trapped. Oh...if only they all read this blog..they'd realise there's no way.....
It's funny...I don't kid myself I'm not the only one, but they all seem to think they are.Isn't the male ego a wondrous thing? One day I'll confess all and give them this address...hee hee!
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