A certain type.....

I mentioned several posts ago that the cameraman was in Beruit. I contacted him the other day, and he sent me an e-mail from.....Afghanistan! Of all the places in the world to get e-mails from, that has to pretty high up in the street cred stakes and doesn't happen very often , I'm sure you would agree. Of course, this was followed by frantic news watching to make sure the poor old soul was alright. (Well...wouldn't you, if you knew someone over there?). There was no webcam shennanigins this time...he was obviously too busy to get his willy out, but it was nice to hear from him. But he's obviously back now as all has gone quiet again.
The point in telling you this is about to follow. Lightening doesn't strike twice? Oh yes...it does.I have also alluded to a Barrister/soldier with whom I have been communicating, and didn't want to hex things by telling you too much too soon.
Well, we've been talking (a lot) and I'm seriously getting to like someone I've never met. (It happens...otherwise how would prisoners on Death Row find themselves brides from half way around the world? Not that we've reached that point, I'm not THAT mad). He said he was very busy with army stuff and we wouldn't be able to meet for a while yet. I thought he was doing the usual thing...ok to flirt on the net, but not much else. Then it went quiet for a few days. Ok, I thought, that's the end of him. I then had an e-mail from.....da da daaaaaaa....Afghanistan! Then I got a call on my mobile from...da da daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...Afghanistan. (So he's keen...good). Do you think I go for a certain type? Do we detect a pattern emerging?
Needless to say...I'm glued to the news again, and The Barrister has been renamed Action Man. Lets just hope he has a little more in the trouser department...!
P.S. The Beast has gone quiet, The Health Freak is in Salt Lake City learning how to be even more healthy and get himself 6 wives, FM never called in the end, but I still chat to The Tall Guy now and then. Keep smiling!
At 7:32 AM,
Dysgenesis said…
The reason that Action Man isn't anatomically correct is that he might end up leaving poor fashion doll like Barbie or Sindy holding the baby!
At 2:23 AM,
Lola2020 said…
Why haven't Action Man and Barbie had a baby?
Because Action Man comes in a different box.
Sorry...couldn't resist!
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