Healthy Living...I wish!

I went to my friends for a glass or two of wine and to watch Robbie Williams Live (we love him) and have a bit of a gossip. (We also have tickets to see him in Milton Keynes next week....there is a God after all. I saw him in Paris earlier on in the year and a couple of years ago in London too. Yes...I love him....ok?!)Unfortuately, it turned into several glasses of wine and half a bottle of Drambuie. Now, I'm not much of a drinker and feel the effects most acutely and last night was no exception. How the hell I weaved home without getting killed is beyond me. (I was walking by the way, not driving). So meeting a Health Freak the next day with a raging hangover is probably not the best idea.It was a glorious sunshine and all the beautiful people were out (Particularly us!. The advantage to being very healthy is you look incredibly good...this guy is no exception). Most of the time I'm not hungover and radiant as a little piece of sunshine, but when we met I was slugging a coffee and hiding behind sun glasses in a desperate attempt to hide the bags and array of wrinkles that popped up inexplicably during the night. (Well..maybe not inexplicably). God, he looked gorgeous and I looked like a raddled old hag. Having said that, we have been seeing each other on and off for a while now so he knows me well enough. I was grateful only to get a ten minute lecture on vitamins and diet and the effects of a sinful life, and while he was preaching at me I just oggled his muscles and healthy air. So everyone was happy. There was lots of touching and a fair bit of hand holding so to cut a long story short I offered myself on a plate. (Well, in bed to be exact, but you get the drift) .I knew it wouldn't happen today as he had to go on somewhere else but I wanted to make it clear what my dishonourable intentions were . He was worried it would change the state of the relationship and didn't think it would be a good idea, then proceed to snog my face off, grab my tits, fondle my arse and stick his hard on up against me.(IN THE STREET!!!!! Ok..we were round the corner but...?) So, you go figure that one? Men...don't understand 'em, can't live without 'em... He will fall eventually, I know it. I'm ultimately irresistable. Even the Ex still wants to shag me...that's why I make him so furious. Can I just add here that for some reason blogger won't let me put this in paragraphs , which is why it's looking like a bad rant.
At 2:31 PM,
M.A.D. said…
Saying that you don't think you should is what you say so that the girl thinks that you are sensitive, thus greatly increasing your chances of getting to do exactly that that you just said that you didn't think you should do.
Sheesh! Don't you know anything...
At 12:18 AM,
Lola2020 said…
You men are so devious. Problem is, I may well have moved on to someone else by then.....
Watch this space.
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