The Boys are Back (Well, some of them).

Men are like don't see one for ages and then they all come along at the same time.
The Health Freak is back from Salt Lake City, even more healthy than ever and very excited about his new healthier status. I'm not sure I can keep up there, to be honest. I've given up smoking (again) but the patches are keeping me awake at night. I keep forgetting to take the fucking things off. The first night I wore one I spent most of it puking, you would think that would remind me , wouldn't you? So we've been chatting on the 'phone..he's very impressed by my new smoke free status, but until I live on alfalfa beans and can run 3 marathons back to back, I don't think I'll get much of a look in. He is a dish though...perhaps best served in small doses.
The Beast is back with a vengeance. Very horny, very keen and asking for a rendeavous. We have fixed this Friday, but I'll wait until Friday morning before I believe it. He's been up in Scotland...says all the women up there are either Les Dawson look alikes or jail bait, so at least he's appreciating Southern Women. I guess that excludes half the population of the UK as serious competition then. I could be in with a chance. We've had a couple of 'phone conversations and he's sent texts saying how randy and big he is. If Friday happens, it will be a lot of fun. I need's been too long.
Action Man is calling every few days from Afghanistan still. I'm looking forward to meeting him...I hope the reality lives up to the rarely does, but here's hoping. He's very sweet and I love talking to him, but there's a massive time delay so the conversations are a bit stilted. I can't believe I've been talking to someone for getting on for a month now, have never met, but seriously like him. Is it a dream...? Well....a girl can ,can't she.
The cameraman was actually on the news getting shot at. I e-mailed to check he was ok and we've been talking a lot since. After 20 texts the other night, I called him as I figured it would be cheaper. I thought he was back in the UK. No...he was in Dubai, decompressing ,as they call it. He called me back, courtesy of the TV station no doubt, and we had 'phone sex for an hour. It still makes me laugh, but the boys like it...infact...I think they like better than the real thing. He's still seeing his woman, but it doesn't seem to stop him from playing around. (If that's what you can call it). If I was some bird doing it on a sex line (probably while knitting) I could understand it, but he knows me (well) so in my book it's a tad dishonest. But he's not married and not living with her, so he's fair game in my book. Enough women have done it to me in the past.
We were on web cam today...(he's now home, recognised the sofa)...and we were at it again. But with 'pictures'. It was great fun actually. We've agreed to meet for coffee...that will be interesting. Do you think it will be coffee? Hmmmm....well I'mm up for it, anyway.
So for someone who's not been near a man in weeks, I seem to be getting an awful lot of sex. It's a weird world we live in...I ought to take out shares in Duracell.
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