The weekend, cake and shoes.

The Beast finally contacted while I was out running. (Got to keep my bum pert, but I hate it). He couldn't even speak...I just got a text saying he needed to be ALONE. Please...spare me the Greta Garbo's, you're a grown up! Funnily enough, I wasn't that bothered although a little concerned about when I'm actually going to get some sex. We cannot live on bread alone. My poor rabbit.........
I decided to join my friends down the pub for a drink and had a pleasant evening. I didn't go home alone...I gave my friends babysitter a lift as I was the only one not drinking.
Just as I was getting into bed at 12.30, the 'phone rang. It was the Beast, with a big horn, wanting entertaining. He was regretting his decision and wished he was with me. Tough luck, Mate! He was hinting about still seeing me but I wasn't going to suggest has to come from him. Let it never be said I'm a beggar.So an hour of 'phone sex later I finally got to go to sleep. I even faked it to get rid of him (Can you believe it guys, we even fake our orgasms on the 'phone. A couple of sighs and a squeak and you're happy. Marvellous. If only everything else in life were that simple).
Sunday was long and tedious. I was starting to regret not asking him over after all. As Monday was a bank holiday and I was attending a charity cricket match I decided to bake a cake as there was to be a competition. Boredom is a wonderful thing for creativity. I ended up making two. One decorated (for the decorated section) and one edible(for the best taste section). Hey, guess what guys? I won the best tasting cake! So if you see a load of overweight cricketers waddling around you know why.....they're stuffed full of cake. (But only the high quality stuff!)
Now...a new kid is on the block. In the last 2 days a high level of e-mails have been exhanged and it seems this particular person and I have have a lot in common. I can't say more as I don't want to jinx things, but he looks and sounds very promising. I don't have a name for him yet, but I will keep you posted. He's trying to get fruity (ie: do you wax, shave or are you au naturelle) but I'm not having any of it. He's too good to lose and I don't want to peak too soon. (For the more curious among you, waxed, Brazilian, very neat!) But you know that, and he doesn't.
Keep your fingers, toes and legs crossed.
P.S. I bought some fabulous shoes high heeled courts with white polka dots. Lets hope I get to walk over a few chests in them.....
P.P.S. Still no word from the FM. And the cameraman has also gone AWOL again. Messrs. m.a.d, and swandad....I think your synopsis of the situation is 100% accurate. He does actually have a girlfriend (recently, he told me), but if he's in the first throws of a new relationship and he's still getting his kicks elsewhere, she must either be an atrocious fuck, or he's more of animal than previously thought.
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